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Fiber laser cutting machine parameters how to look?

Publisher:   Release time:2017/11/13

Fiber laser cutting machine parameters how to look? This is a lot of people want to understand the problem, have to admit that the parameters of fiber laser cutting machine is very important, it directly affects the quality of cutting, then, how to see the parameters of fiber laser cutting machine? The following xiaobian will talk to you about the parameters of fiber laser cutting machine, teach you how to buy fiber laser cutting machine! 1. Influence of auxiliary pressure In laser cutting, the auxiliary air pressure can blow off the slag and cool the heat affected zone of cutting. Auxiliary gases include oxygen, compressed air, nitrogen and inert gases. For some metal materials and non-metal materials, inert gas or compressed air is generally used to prevent the material from burning. Such as aluminum alloy material cutting. For most metal materials, reactive gases (such as oxygen) are used because oxygen can oxidize the metal surface and improve the cutting efficiency. When the auxiliary pressure is too high, the surface of the material appears eddy current, weaken the ability to remove molten, resulting in a wide slit, rough cutting surface; When the pressure is too low to completely blow away the melt, the material's undersurface will adhere to slag. Therefore, the auxiliary gas pressure should be adjusted when cutting to get the best cutting quality. 2. Influence of laser power < BR /> The laser power has considerable influence on cutting speed, slit width, cutting thickness and cutting quality. The amount of power required depends on the properties of the material and the cutting mechanism. For example, materials with good thermal conductivity and high melting point and high reflectivity of cutting surface need larger laser power. In general, under certain other conditions, laser cutting processing has a laser power to obtain the best cutting quality, further reduce or improve the power will produce slag or overburning phenomenon and lead to a decline in processing quality. In addition, with the increase of discharge voltage, the laser intensity will increase because of the increase of the peak power input, so that the diameter of the spot increases, the width of the slit increases accordingly; With the increase of pulse width, the average power of laser will increase, and the width of laser slit will increase. Generally, with the increase of pulse frequency, the slit will become wider. When the frequency exceeds a certain value, the slit width will decrease. 3. Influence of cutting speed Laser cutting processing, cutting speed has a considerable impact on the quality of the cutting material, the ideal cutting speed will make the cutting surface appear relatively smooth lines, and the lower part of the material will not appear slag. When auxiliary gas pressure and laser power, cutting speed and cutting seam width presents a nonlinear inverse relationship, when cutting speed is slow, the laser energy in the role of the kerf width prolonged, leading to the kerf width increases, when the speed is too slow, laser beam effect time is too long, the artifacts on kerf width and incised seam will be a big difference, the quality of the cutting down, Productivity will also be greatly reduced. With the increase of cutting speed, the action time of laser beam energy on the workpiece becomes shorter, so that the thermal diffusion and heat conduction effect becomes smaller, and the width of the slit becomes smaller accordingly. When the speed is too fast, the workpiece material will be cut due to the insufficient cutting heat input appear cut through the situation, this phenomenon belongs to incomplete cutting, and the melted material can not be blown off in time, the molten material will make the cutting joint re welding. 4. The influence of focus position The focus position is the distance between the laser focus and the workpiece surface, which directly affects the roughness of the cutting surface, the slope and width of the slit and the attachment of molten residue. If the focus position is too advanced, such meetings make increase in the number of heat is absorbed by cutting the workpiece bottom, under the condition of the cutting speed and auxiliary air pressure must be, can lead to be near the cutting materials and cutting seam of melted material is liquid in the surface flow, after cooling with molten material are spherical surface attached to the workpiece. If the position lags, the heat absorbed by the lower end face of the cutting material is reduced, so that the material in the slit can not be completely melted, and some sharp and short residue will be adhered to on the lower surface of the plate. Usually, the focus position should be on the surface of the workpiece or slightly lower, but different materials are not the same, cutting carbon steel, focus on the surface of the plate cutting quality is better; And stainless steel cutting, the focus should be in the plate thickness of about 1/2 when the effect is better. The above is the fiber laser cutting machine parameters, fiber laser cutting machine parameters have a great impact on cutting quality, different uses of cutting parameters requirements are not the same, I hope you do not blindly buy, must consider before buying!

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